oxidative therapy – Wetway https://shopwetway.com Discover the power of oxygen. Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:30:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/shopwetway.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/cropped-Social-Icon-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 oxidative therapy – Wetway https://shopwetway.com 32 32 206202108 The Foundation of Autocatalytic Oxidative Therapy https://shopwetway.com/the-foundation-of-autocatalytic-oxidative-therapy/ Thu, 11 Aug 2022 01:43:57 +0000 https://shopwetway.com/?p=552
Effectively supports cellular redox homeostasis without metabolic pass.


Oxidative therapy is a wide range of therapies that use the chemical properties of oxygen to improve health. Each therapy has different applications, processes and biochemical reactions. The primary goal is to enhance cellular oxygen utilization by sending oxygen to the bloodstream, interstitial fluid, and tissue. Oxidative therapies may combine enhancing cellular oxygenation with the process of oxidation. They supply a single type, or multiple types of oxygen molecules that may participate in metabolic processes. These are forms of bioabsorbable oxygen called oxygen metabolites or reactive oxygen species. Oxygenation promotes healing and oxidation destroys pathogens and neutralizes chemical pollutants that invade the body.

The challenge with oxidative treatment processes is that oxygen molecular instability causes rapid oxidation reactions—meaning they dissipate quickly. Successful oxidative therapy is determined by how effectively bioabsorbable oxygen molecules are delivered and reach the intended source. Wetway is an innovator of technology that simplifies the process of introducing and delivering high amounts of bio-absorbable oxygen. Its products non-invasively designate the diverse chemical properties of a proprietary electrolyte solution of oxygen species (ESOS).


The molecular stability in the electrolyte solution of oxygen species is accomplished through the synergistic interaction of pro-oxidative and anti-oxidative oxygen species conserved by trace mineral catalysts. Mineral catalysts enhance the activation rate of the fading oxygen species that are at the end of the oxidative chain reaction. Pro-oxidative and anti-oxidative oxygen species maintain redox equilibrium in this solution. The lasting benefits of the electrolyte solution of oxygen species derives from its autocatalytic nature. Only Wetway uses mineral electrolytes and forms antioxidant oxygen species on demand. Traditional therapies lack the ability to balance biochemical stability, act as an equilibrating agent, and support homeostasis.

The oxygen that’s introduced to the body is in the form of reactive oxygen species in redox equilibrium. It interacts with internal body fluids to assist with the chemical balancing of their respective reactive oxygen species—in an effort to protect their own redox stability. The reactive oxygen species are ionized and move through body fluids (via ionic diffusion) to satisfy oxygen demand. Dissolved, ionized oxygen species are 100% bio-absorbable. Ionic diffusion is a passive form of delivery that does not require energy consumption. Because of this, various oxygen species reach the point of delivery where oxygenation is replenished at maximum bio-availability.


Wetway implements its electrolyte solution of oxygen species using five non-invasive forms of oxygen delivery: transdermal, topical, airways, ocular, and nutritional.

  • Transdermal oxygenation is the process of dissolved oxygen penetrating the skin and reaching internal fluids for systemic distribution. 
  • Topical oxygenation specifically targets the tissue surrounding the point of application. 
  • Airway oxygenation—via inhaling dissolved oxygen—amplifies the body’s oxygen uptake.
  • Ocular oxygenation simultaneously boosts the eye’s oxygen capacity and enhances oxygen transfer into its deepest layers.
  • Nutritional supplementation of reactive oxygen species supports digestion by breaking down complex molecules and neutralizing biological and chemical contaminants in the stomach—which then improves the absorption of nutrients and the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity.


The following popular oxygenating and oxidative therapies are traditional therapy applications that can be replicated with Wetway’s electrolyte solution of oxygen species (ESOS).

Oxygen supplementation vs aerosolized ESOS 

Oxygen therapies support respiration by increasing the concentration of oxygen molecules in inspired air. These oxygen molecules are not bio-absorbable and are only utilized by the body after they are ionized in the lungs when crossing the alveolar membrane. The oxygen is then transferred to the hemoglobin in the bloodstream and delivered to where it’s needed.

Aerosolized ESOS supports respiration by increasing the concentration of several dissolved oxygen species in the infused air. These species are ionized, bio-absorbable, and readily utilized by the body. Since these oxygen nutrients are in biological form when they enter the lungs, they improve the uptake by the blood stream.


Ozone therapies vs ESOS treated water

Ozonated water is effective but carries several requirements and drawbacks—including—needing a generator with external energy, immediate use after preparation, only two main oxygen species, and doesn’t contribute electrolytes (meaning lower absorption by the body).  

ESOS treated water can be used in place of ozonated water, and in some applications, where ozone gas is applied on the skin or introduced to the body. It’s enriched with the most common electrolytes, which work in synergy to continuously catalyze the formation of the primary oxygen species that support the oxidant and antioxidant equilibrium of our metabolic processes. It also optimizes the transportation and maximizes the absorption of these oxygen species. ESOS treated water is very stable, it may be stored, and stays reactive for a long period of time.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy vs ESOS soak

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves oxygen delivery to tissues by supplying 100% oxygenated air at increased pressure in a controlled chamber. The pressure is 2-3x higher than the atmosphere which augments the lung’s oxygen uptake. The oxygen is transferred to the bloodstream and interstitial fluid for its final assimilation into the tissues. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy requires expensive equipment and it’s typically performed in a medical setting. On average, it takes 20-40 treatments to get desired results.

Soaking in ESOS water improves oxygen delivery to tissue by supplying 100% ionized oxygen species that enter the body through the skin (via natural osmosis). They continue to move within internal body fluids (directed by ionic diffusion) to where oxygen is needed. It’s an inexpensive method—typically effective after the first application.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy relies on a pressure differential technique that needs the respiratory and circulatory metabolic systems to assist with the transportation of oxygen to the tissue. These metabolic passes are a limiting factor to how much oxygen can be delivered. Oxygenating soaks don’t have a metabolic pass and can deliver larger amounts of bio-absorbable oxygen directly to tissue—replenishing deficits at the cellular level more efficiently.


Hydrogen peroxide vs ESOS molecules

A hydrogen peroxide molecule is very unstable and decomposes into water and oxygen—liberating a short lived reactive oxygen species. 

ESOS molecules are activated in water and liberate various types of reactive oxygen species that work in synergy and have residual activity. ESOS preparations may be used in similar ways as hydrogen peroxide solutions for therapeutic benefits through dual oxidative and oxygenating actions (caused by the released active oxygen metabolites).


Chlorine Dioxide Vs ESOS

There are several proprietary forms of liquid chlorine dioxide that are used to purify drinking water, kill microorganisms, and to transfer oxygen to the bloodstream. Chlorine dioxide and an ESOS are similar in only two ways. They both generate chlorite and oxygen molecules when they react with water. However, not all of the chlorine dioxide solution is converted to chlorite (the ionized form that supports its oxidative capability). Some molecules stay unreacted and escape as chlorine gas—a strong irritant for humans. Solutions of ESOS are completely ionized and don’t release chlorine gasses when they break down like chlorine dioxide.

ESOS is a redox equilibrating agent—making it more than just an oxidant. Compared to other proprietary forms of liquid chlorine dioxide, it can be used as an oxidative supplement and requires much less to deliver similar results . If needed, ESOS has the advantage of donating oxygen antioxidants to restore your system’s natural oxidative balance


Understanding oxidative therapies requires comprehensive analysis of the practice in its entirety. Highlighting specifically a foundational explanation, five non-invasive forms of implementation, and comparing Wetway’s formula of electrolyte solution of oxygen species to industry leading oxidative therapies allows users to better understand the full scope of the topic. Oxidative therapy captures the healing powers of oxygen. The ability to produce results is determined by how effectively bioabsorbable oxygen is delivered and reaches the intended source. 

Wetway products support the maximization of oxygen bioavailability at the cellular level by introducing oxygen metabolites transdermally, topically, via airways, ocularly, and as a dietary supplement. These five non-invasive forms of implementation attain results similar to, and often exceeding those reached with traditional oxidative therapies. Studies also indicate Wetway products are quicker, more effective, and safer than traditional oxidative therapies. Additionally, they cost less and require no doctor visits or prescriptions. If you’re interested in learning more about Wetway’s contemporary approach to oxidative therapy, please visit our website—www.shopwetway.com

Wetway is focused on the research and development of far-reaching, non-invasive ways to enhance tissue oxygenation. All products use organic ingredients and are 100% sourced and manufactured in the U.S. Wetway strives to be a thought leader in oxidative therapies and practices.

Transdermal Oxygenation Shortens Recovery Time from Injuries and Fatigue https://shopwetway.com/transdermal-oxygenation-shortens-recovery-time-from-injuries-and-fatigue/ Wed, 10 Mar 2021 18:00:09 +0000 https://shopwetway.envirocleen.com/?p=457 Oxygenating soak treatments can deliver within minutes therapeutic amounts of bio available oxygen through the skin and directly to the tissues.

The intensity of competitive sports has increased together with the incidence of injuries to the athletes. Therefore, a need has emerged to develop better and faster treatments that allow an injured athlete to return to competition faster than with the normal course of rehabilitation.

With the resurgence of worldwide interest in more natural modalities of healing and the universal acceptance that oxygen is indispensable for the cells of the immune system to work properly and also an integral part of the healing process in wound management, there has been a major focus in the past decades to explore innovative ways to increase tissue oxygenation. It is not debatable that oxygen naturally plays a crucial role in recovery from injuries and from physiological fatigue. Among the tissue oxygenation augmentation practices gaining more popularity in sports therapy are hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT), the therapeutic administration of pure oxygen at pressures 1.5 to 3 times higher than the local atmospheric pressure, inside a hyperbaric chamber, thus inducing more oxygen dissolved in the plasma of the pulmonary vein via the alveolar and causing an increase in the oxygen reaching the peripheral tissues, which is therefore expected to improve recovery from injury and fatigue.

HBOT have been tested and found promising in advancing the healing process of injuries, however, they are very expensive and not easily accessible, the protocols are long and complex, and the technology relies on the body metabolic systems for efficient transport. After the oxygen gets to the lungs in the form of a gas molecule it moves down a pressure gradient from inspired to alveolar gas and it is converted to dissolved oxygen before entering arterial blood and into the capillary bed across the interstitial and intercellular fluid where it is finally usable by the cells. Regular applications of HBOT recommend periods between 60 and 120 minutes once or twice a day and many conditions can require 20 to 30 treatments before realizing benefits. The elaborateness and price tag of HBOT are excessive and too restrictive as a viable mainstream solution.

But what other options athletes have? The body is not able to utilize oxygen in gas form. It has to be in dissolved form when it infiltrates the cellular fluid environment. How else can therapeutic amounts of oxygen be physically dissolved in the blood plasma? To accomplish this the oxygen must already be dissolved prior to reaching the plasma and must be delivered without major limitations by other metabolic systems. The answer is actually quite simple: transdermal oxygenation.

Amazing Soak is the first consumer product to hit the marker for transdermal oxygenation, as a new bath soak with an stabilized electrolyte solution formulation. This disruptive innovation is a liquid electrolyte formula of oxygen chelates where the 4 major electrolytes are chelated to oxygen molecules identical to the oxygen metabolites that support the oxidant/antioxidant equilibrium in the human body. For this reason, it has a high biological affinity with our immune system. This is how it works: when Amazing Soak® is mixed in with water the equilibrium of the original solution is lost because it has been diluted into a larger volume. This spins off an ionic chain reaction where the oxygen-mineral chelates react with the water molecules and start replicating themselves to fill up this larger volume and find a new equilibrium. During this process, very large amounts of dissolved oxygen are released into the water and when this hyper oxygenated solution comes in contact with the skin it forms a wet bridge that supports ionic diffusion and facilitates the dissolved oxygen and electrolytes to penetrate the dermal layers. Once inside the body, they easily flow in the internal fluid environments and directly reach tissues and restore oxygen deficit at the cellular level. Transdermal oxygenation can deliver therapeutic amounts of bioavailable oxygen to the cells without first metabolic pass. This technology takes advantage of the skin, the largest organ in the body, to transfer oxygen surplus to the cellular environment without volume restrictions from the respiratory and circulatory systems and with the higher speed rate of ionic diffusion. Amazing Soak® transdermal oxygenation technology is able to relief inflammation, pain and fatigue at an incredibly fast rate and at a fraction of the time relative to hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Significant improvement resulting from restoring oxygen deficit and increasing cellular activity can be noticed within minutes.

Transdermal oxygenation is not only an excellent resource for optimizing the repair process of sport injuries ranging from broken bones to disrupted muscles, tendons and ligaments, it is also a powerful tool to improve performance by normalizing depleted oxygen levels due to physical exertion and is very beneficial for both acute onset and delayed onset of muscle soreness.

Original content:
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, UNITED STATES, January 28, 2020 /EINPresswire.com“Transdermal Oxygen Technology can Help Athletes to Rehab from Injuries and Recover from Fatigue in Record Breaking Time”

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