Nutritional – Wetway Discover the power of oxygen. Wed, 07 Feb 2024 02:53:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nutritional – Wetway 32 32 206202108 Amazing-O Sat, 06 Mar 2021 13:21:22 +0000
  • Hot or cold use
  • Cellular respiration
  • Improve metabolism
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    Amazing-O is a dietary supplement with a proprietary blend of organic and all-natural, dissolved oxygen precursors—manufactured from mineral salt chelations that are activated when in contact with water. 

    Amazing-O creates an oxygen generating solution when combined with clean water. It will stay in an aqueous, active state, even in extreme warm or cool temperatures. Treated solutions may also be atomized to a nano-scale size—such as aerosol particles. Aerosol particles retain their original chemical properties. The active oxygen molecules produced by Amazing-O are different from the oxygen in the air we breathe. Those oxygen molecules need ionization in the lungs before it’s transferred to the blood. Amazing-O oxygen molecules are in the same biological form as the oxygen used for cellular respiration—our source of energy for all metabolic functions. Having an external and abundant source of bio-available oxygen with fast absorption provides an opportunity to utilize Amazing-O in numerous ways to enhance our health.

    Suggested dose

    Add 2-4 drops to an 8 oz glass of drinking water (1 drop per every 2-4 oz of water). Take on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning and before bedtime. May increase dosage if desired.

    Oxygen supplementation    

    Optimal oxygenation is essential for your health. Add Amazing-O to drinking water to increase the body’s oxygen levels. It will support metabolism, boost energy, and improve digestion and nutrient uptake.

    Water enhancer

    Add 1 drop to a glass of water or water bottle to create a highly purified, oxygenated drink.

    Short-term therapeutic use

    One drop per oz of drinking water. Take 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach to improve oxygenation in blood and tissues, aid digestion, boost energy, detox, anti-inflammation, and anti-parasitic. DO NOT exceed 1 drop per lb of body weight in one day.

    Inhalation therapy 

    Directly breathe in the mist or vapor. If using a device without a mask, make sure to inhale enough product concentration. Position your nose no more than 1 ft directly above the flow of the aerosols.

    Dissolved oxygen therapy: Add 2 drops for every 10 mL of water. Use in nebulizers and mask vaporizers for relief of allergic or cold-related respiratory issues. Reduces coughing, soothes sinus discomfort, alleviates respiratory infections, reduces phlegm, and lessens inflammation. 

    Therapeutic dose: Add 4 to 6 drops for every 10 mL of water. Reverses flu and cold symptoms, viral and bacterial respiratory infections, sinus congestions, lung inflammation, and phlegm buildup. 

    Oral health 

    Regular mouth rinse and gargle: Add 2 drops to 20 mL of water (about a mouth full) to use as an alcohol-free, germ-killing, and tartar preventing antiseptic wash.

    Therapeutic mouth rinse dose: Add 5 drops to 20 mL of water to improve gum and mouth health. It will reduce excess plaque, teeth sensitivity, and canker sores. For a deeper clean, add 2 drops directly to your toothbrush and brush as usual. 

    Water flossing and sinus rinse: Add 1 drop per oz of tap water and use in a water flossing device. Improves gum health and sanitizes the mouth. 

    CPAP, BPAP, and high & low flow oxygen therapy support 

    The water in CPAP and other oxygen therapy humidifiers adds moisture to the air you’re breathing. When treated with Amazing-O, the active forms of oxygen generated are vaporized or transferred to the air as oxygen ions. 

    To promote ionized oxygen: Add 2 drops for every 50 mL of distilled water in the humidifier device. This becomes a 0.2% solution and produces an ionized airflow that’s suitable to enhance inhaled air humidity and improve oxygen absorption. It also helps alleviate sinus pressure, mucous, minor respiratory infections, coughing, awakening headaches, postnasal drip, and more. 

    To sterilize humidifier water: Add 1 drop per 1 L of distilled water. 

    Drinking water purification 

    Add 2 drops for every gallon of clean water for superior purification and long term storage protection. Amazing-O is a strong oxidant that eliminates pathogens and breaks down resistant chemical contaminants. 

    Face mask refresher and breath neutralizer spray 

    Use 6 drops for every oz of water. Spray on face masks to sanitize. May be applied on the inside and outside of any mask type. Use the same solution as an alcohol-free hand wash. 

    Fruit and vegetable wash 

    Add 15 to 20 drops for every gallon of tap water to create an antimicrobial fruit and vegetable soak. Add 4 to 6 drops to 1 L of tap water for use in spray bottles. Your fruits and vegetables will stay fresher longer and no post-rinse required.

    This guide is not a substitute for medical advice. The FDA has not evaluated this product. It’s always recommended you speak to your doctor or health advisor about possible responses your body may have to enhance cellular functioning with augmentation of bio-available oxygen. You must be aware of any possible side effects for specific health issues that apply to you. 

    WARNING: Amazing-O is a highly corrosive and strong irritant in its original pre-diluted form. Protect eyes as it may cause permanent damage. Protect fabric and surfaces as it may cause bleaching. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN. Follow the instructions carefully. Call 911 for emergencies related to accidental and improper use.

    *The dissolved oxygen generated are various forms of reactive species of radicals and ions that stay in solution in an energized state.*


    Information provided anywhere on this website is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for this product, methods and application or diagnostic tools have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved this product and the other products offered on this website to diagnose, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Neither Wetway LLC, its affiliates, the manufacturer and distributors of Amazing Soak, Amazing O, Amazing Colyrio, O-Spray, OH-Mist, and the Equo2 product line, and/or private labels of these products, and the other products offered on this website, are responsible for the intentional or not intentional misuse of these products. It is highly recommended to receive professional advice from a licensed health or wellness practitioner before using these products if you are unsure about the instructions herein, the application, the methods, if you have any concerns about your health or the expected outcome, and especially if you suspect or have any pre-existing health condition that may be affected by the use of Wetway’s products and if you are under the care of a health professional.

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